What and How

What and How
Photo by Mourad Saadi / Unsplash

The “What”

In Natural Wonders, I say we should live in such a way that if everyone lived this way, the world would be a better place for life to exist and grow. I offer a general but vague goal for what we should strive for in our behaviors. While solid, it feels like maybe I need more. Can I be more explicit about what the goal is? What conditions are those that actually make life more likely to exist and grow? What specific conditions or environments should our behaviors target?

Maybe the conditions we should target are ones in which our own, and others’, essential needs are met. Think of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Think of the Declaration of Independence’s self-evident truths of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Maybe living in ways that advance these conditions broadly is what I am getting at. We should act in such a way that if emulated by everyone, more people, including ourselves, could take part in these conditions.

It is like getting basic needs met for a higher percentage of people is the goal, the “what” of our ethics. We should behave in a manner that would, if universally adopted, improve essential life conditions like clean air, water, nourishment, and freedom.


The “How”

With the resounding but scary presidential election results yesterday, I feel compelled to comment on an aspect of this that relates to the ethics I propose in Natural Winders. With that vote yesterday, it is clear to me that many people want an authority, a strongman, to fix what they see as problems. It feels like they really don’t care what this authority does as long as the outcome is achieved. This “do whatever it takes” approach seems very unethical to me. It is not a fit with the Life Ethic I advocate.

One person or group imposing on and trampling others to bring about a desired outcome is not OK. If everyone tried to impose an outcome, bring about what they think is best at all costs, it would not yield a world that would be better for life to exist and grow. Our world would be a chaotic battle of wills with people treating each other terribly, all in pursuit of a supposed better outcome. One person dictating, exerting power over others is the type of behavior that, if everyone acted that way, would create a fearful and brutal world, a nightmare.

Now would be a good time to call to mind the six values I advocate in Natural Wonders: Truthfulness, Compassion, Generosity, Awareness, Positivity and Vitality. These values must guide how we act day to day to support excellent outcomes for humanity.

I am in favor of actively pursuing a better world, a “what” that helps life exist and grow. However, we need a respectful and gentle hand as we advocate for these goal conditions. I say we should influence rather than control, persuade rather than coerce. We must not lose our focus on the “how”, what we ourselves do to through our actions to seek this outcome. The ”how” matters. Like our parents and childhood teachers taught us, the end doesn’t justify the means.

We cannot lose sight of the “how” as we work towards the “what” of a better world.

Bob Wilhelm

Bob Wilhelm
